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Qualifications and skills


The formationsintend raise awareness and/or qualify employees, by updating or reconverting skills within a digital and ecological transition proposal.

In addition to the environmental component, training can also be provided in areas such as Occupational Safety, Quality, among others to be identified by the client.

And they are classified as:

  • Basic training:

Training based on compliance with legal requirements; environmental and safety awareness at work.

  • Specific trainings:

Training developed according to demands raised by the client.

Who do the actions apply to?Oare you?

  • Companies that want to raise awareness among their employees;
  • Companies that intend to qualify/update their employees in the company's management procedures;
  • Companies that seek professional development and training of their employees, in the face of digital and ecological transition processes;
  • Companies that have employees of other nationalities, do not speak Portuguese and need to acquire knowledge;
  • Companies that have employees with different time availability to carry out training;
  • Companies that need control and certification of training.
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